مرحباً بك في فندق ريتز كارلتون، هرتسليا

فندق من قئة خمس نجوم فاخر على الساحل الإسرائيلي

يقع فندق ريتز كارلتون، هرتسليا في المارينا ويتمتع بإطلالة ساحرة على البحر الأبيض المتوسط ضمن نطاق منطقة هرتسليا السكنية المترفة. يُعد الفندق واحة أنيقة فريدة من نوعها تعيد بكل تأكيد تعريف التجربة الفندقية الفاخرة. يضم الفندق 115 غرفة للنزلاء و82 جناحًا منها أجنحة ستوديو وأجنحة بغرفة واحدة وغرفتين وجناح رئاسي. يعد فندقنا الشاطئي أول منتجع فاخر في إسرائيل، ويوفر لك: غرف رائعة تحتوي جميعها على شرفات خاصة ذات مناظر آسرة على البحر المتوسط، ومطعم عالمي يتوافق مع تعاليم المطبخ اليهودي ويقدم تجارب رفيعة المستوى لتناول الطعام، وبار أنيق بالبهو يقدم مجموعة متنوعة من مشروبات الكوكتيل المميزة، وبار ومسبح خارجي فوق السطح في الطابق 12 محاط بإطلالات ساحرة على المحيط. يحتوي نادي ريتز كارلتون الصحي على 6 غرف علاجية فاخرة وحمام وساونا سويدية ومنطقة استرخاء بمنظر للمحيط. تطل صالة الألعاب الرياضية الفسيحة التي تعمل على مدار الساعة على المحيط. تشمل مساحة الاجتماعات قاعة احتفالات وغرف اجتماعات ومركزًا للأعمال.

The Ritz-Carlton, Herzliya

Rooms and Suites

The Ritz-Carlton, Herzliya range of suites offers a luxury experience like never before. Our choice of suites offers expanded balconies with breathtaking Mediterranean views, inviting you to unwind in style. Enjoy spacious living areas, complete with Italian-style kitchens, and revel in the natural light that floods through floor-to-ceiling windows. The suites are the perfect backdrop for an unforgettable experience on the Tel-Aviv coastline. The Ritz-Carlton Suite was awarded the prestigious World Travel Award as Israel’s Leading Hotel Suite four years in a row.

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An abstract image of yellow, blue and green swirl
A Transformative Stay

Through personalized service and unparalleled experiences, we make the moments between arrival and departure unforgettable. How will a stay leave you?

Delectable Dining & Drinks at
The Ritz-Carlton, Herzliya

Enjoy dining that exemplifies a local diverse mix of cultural flavors. From the unique farm-to-table Herbert Samuel high-end fusion cuisine to the Mediterranean views of the Rooftop Bar and finally to the signature cocktails at Blends Lounge.

Angled view of copper bowl with white blossoms floating in water
Ritz Carlton Hotel image
Pampering Spa Experience

Treat yourself to a soothing spa escape. Enjoy a pampering and exclusive experience for the body and soul.

Packages to Plan Your Tel Aviv Vacation
The Ritz-Carlton, Herzliya

With packages and offers at this Herzliya hotel, one can mark Shabbat with a delicious kosher meal overlooking the sea, unwind with a relaxing treatment at the spa or treat the family to a summer getaway along Israel’s coast.

Discover More with Our Hotel Newsletter

Unlock extraordinary experiences! Sign up for our exclusive hotel newsletter to be the first to know about promotions, personalized recommendations, insider tips, and local insights. Indulge your wanderlust with destination-focused content and enjoy VIP treatment with exclusive perks. Join our vibrant community of Ritz-Carlton Herzliya today!

Meetings & Weddings

Host your next intimate meeting or grand event at The Ritz-Carlton, Herzliya with glamourous wedding venues and conference rooms overlooking the waters of Tel Aviv.



ريتز كارلتون، هرتسليا

4 شارع هشونيت, هرتسليا, إسرائيل, 4655504

Tel: +972 9-373 5555
White wedding table with white slipcovered chairs and an evening view of the sea
Aerial view of an outdoor event with round tables arranged in a semicircle
Sabbath Procedures Each Friday & Saturday

The day of the Sabbath begins each Friday at sunset, until one hour after sunset on Saturday. According to the law of Sabbath, starting a flame is not permitted. Therefore, the Ritz-Carlton, Herzliya is prohibited from cooking during this time; hence creating dishes such as omelets or making lattes and cappuccinos are not served on Saturdays in honor of the Sabbath. (All cooked dishes for Friday night dinner at the Herbert Samuel restaurant are created prior to the start of each Sabbath). *Please note the In-Room-Dining service does not serve warm dishes during the Sabbath. Shabbat dinner is served every Friday night between 7-9 p.m. (buffet style). These hours can vary according to the season.

Forbes Travel Guide Recommends the Ritz-Carlton, Herzliya

The Ritz-Carlton, Herzliya, has earned the prestigious Forbes Travel Guide Recommended Rating for 2023. This award is a testament of our exceptional service and unparalleled guest experience that the hotel provides.

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