A Collection Beyond Compare

Suites & Rooms

Indulgent comfort meets understated in the hotel's recently renovated suites, villas and guest rooms. Explore a collection of refined retreats that epitomize the very nature of Las Colinas - from tower accommodations that overlook the sweeping surroundings to private villas fit for the most intimate escapes.

Elevated Expressions of Texas
Redefining Luxury

Discover the best version of a Dallas getaway that transcends the ordinary—providing premium accommodations, services and amenities with easy access to Dallas, Fort Worth and DFW Airport. Escape the everyday routine to immerse yourself in the pinnacle of luxury, highlighted by a rich color palette that plays off the rolling hills, sage trees and blossoming flowers found throughout the expansive 400-acre resort.

The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge
The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge
The Ritz-Carlton Club® Level

Delight in an entirely new level of luxury at The Ritz-Carlton Club® Level. With a heightened feel of exclusivity, this welcoming space combines comfort with bespoke services and localized experiences. Guests enjoy a dedicated concierge, gourmet culinary and beverage offerings, personalized programming and a well-appointed lounge with exquisite views of the Resort Pool.

Please note: all room sizes are approximate.

Villas private lawn with a personal firepit
Feather beds 400+thread count fine linens in our hotel rooms near Dallas, TX
Wireless internet access in our luxury suite in Irving, TX
The Ritz-Carlton Club Level
Private balconies in select hotel rooms in Irving, TX
Enjoy views of our resort golf course