
With a selection of impressive wedding venues, expert planning services, and comprehensive wedding packages, the hotel ensures that your special occasion is as unique as your personality.


Ruang Acara

6313 Meter Persegi

Total Luas Ruang Acara


Kapasitas Ruangan Terbesar


Ruang Istirahat


Mulai Rencanakan Pernikahan Anda di Sini

Beri tahu kami tentang pernikahan Anda, lalu kami akan menghubungi Anda dan merencanakannya bersama.

Ritz Carlton Hotel image

Weddings and Occasions

Ballroom 1.600 meter persegi/15.876 kaki persegi, tinggi langit-langit 8 meter, menampung hingga 2.500 tamu dengan gaya resepsi

Where Weddings Capture the Romance of Jakarta

Discover a range of event halls that accommodate weddings of any size, from spectacular celebrations for 2,500 people in the pillar-less Grand Ballroom to intimate gatherings for close family and friends in smaller venues. Features like a private entrance to the Grand Ballroom and a spacious foyer allow couples to create a thoughtful experience from beginning to end. The hotel also offers a variety of menu options, from international cuisine to local dishes that express a sense of authenticity. Create the day of your dreams at this luxury wedding hotel.

Wedding Venues

When every detail must be flawless, choose The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Mega Kuningan for whatever your occasion is. Distinguished by 15.876 square feet of total pilar-less Ballroom which is conveniently located on the second floor and can accommodate up to 2.500 guests.

An archway of white flowers opens onto an event space with a long table draped in white featuring colorful florals and chairs

Wedding Advisor

The Ladies and Gentlemen at The Ritz-Carlton Jakarta, Mega Kuningan are at your service, bringing the utmost professionalism to every aspect of planning your wedding festivities. From your very first meeting with our wedding planners to your first breakfast as a married couple, you are assured of the impeccable personal service such an occasion deserves.

Ritz Carlton Hotel image

Wedding Packages

Refining the ambiance of romance with hallmark luxury and our signature service, it is a vow of our Ladies and Gentlemen to fulfill your ultimate wedding vision into the perfect celebration. Whether planning a small intimate wedding or a grand wedding, our wedding specialists will dedicate themselves to crafting your dream wedding. For more information on our venues and packages, please contact our wedding specialists at (62) 21 2551 8888.

Close-up of a floral arrangement?s red roses and white lilies with a blurred table setting in the background
Event space featuring white faux tree branches arching over white tables accented with pink
Event space featuring white faux tree branches arching over white tables accented with pink